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Hi there

Art, creativity, and culture have been cornerstones of my life since a very young age. More than a career, it's become a way of being in the world.

The art world can be demanding, and external pressure strong. But the moment of creation becomes a refuge, when external noise fades. It's here, in this space of quiet contemplation, that the path to self-discovery and healing begins. Painting allows us to express what words sometimes fail to capture, offering a powerful form of liberation.

This state of introspection fostered by painting, also leads us to create questions. Questions that may not always have answers, but serve as powerful tools for exploration and vindication.


Painting teaches us to pause and observe the world around us with a contemplative eye, revealing its intricate beauty and complexity.

A closer look

Pencils have been my companions since a young age. In my early years, I filled blank pages with doodles. Over time, those shapes evolved taking on meaning for me until painting became an integral part of my life. It wasn't just a hobby, nor only a career path later on, but a fundamental way of being in the world, a way to connect with it on a deeper level.

Clases y talleres de dibujo y pintura en Dublín
HIstoria del arte con perspectiva de género para la igualdad

We can't understand Art without Art History. However, it's not the traditional view of history that I'm interested in. I'm drawn to a more insightful and committed art history, one that's honest and fair. This includes a gender perspective that reclaims the stories of all those women artists who existed, worked, and painted in defiance of societal rules and expectations.

Many of them achieved significant recognition during their lifetimes, but time and a patriarchal society have erased their names from the pages of history and artistic memory.

I always thought that building a successful artistic career would be my ultimate achievement.

However, my journey has shown me that true fulfillment comes for me from connecting people with their own artistic passion and witnessing the positive impact it has on their lives.

Clases y talleres de dibujo y pintura en Dublín

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