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"Of all the places we could have been born, we did in this planet.
We are like siblings, right?"
72 kilos illustrator.

Connecting is a travel through 12 works and a travel through 12 cultures and races that show the beauty of differences and the great diversity that exists on our planet. It shows that beyond all those things that could separate us, there are many more ties that unite us. 
In the end, a tear tastes the same in Madrid as in Dakar. Laughter heals pain in Lima and Bangkok. Hope keep us alive near Sydney or in New Orleans.

Because deep down, we are all connected. 

Emperatriz china, 2019. Óleo sobre papel. 70 x 50 cm.
Tribu Dukha, Mongolia, 2018. Óleo sobre papel. 50 x 35 cm
Hombre Maorí, 2018. Óleo sobre lienzo. 70 x 60 cm
Antiguo Chalco, México, 2018. Óleo sobre papel. 50 x 35 cm
Tribu Mosuo, Tibet , 2018. Óleo sobre papel. 70 x 50 cm
Tribu Drokpa, 2018. Óleo sobre lienzo. 50 x 40 cm
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Tribu Hamer, Etiopía, 2018. Óleo sobre papel. 50 x 40 cm
Anciana en Bangladesh, 2018. Óleo sobre papel. 70 x 50 cm
Old man from India, 2018. Oil on paper. 50 x 40 cm
Bahiana, Brasil, 2018. Óleo sobre papel. 50 x 35 cm
Bridge from India, 2019. Oil on paper. 70 x 40 cm
Mujer tradicional ucraniana. Óleo sobre papel
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