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IRELAND & its magic

Two months after graduating in Fine Arts from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, I changed my life moving to Dublin, where I faced new professional and personal challenges. 


When we make such decisions, we know everything is about to change. However, we aren't always aware that it's only the beginning of a chain of events that lead to others and those to other ones and they end up shaping the stages of a lifetime. In this way, Dublin marked a before and an after in me.

Here I found a country that welcomed me with open arms from the first day. A city, Dublin, that gave me the luck of a job in which I can help in some way all those who are discovering the world of art for the first time. 

I have been able to travel roads, mountains, lakes and cliffs in a country that never ceases to surprise me and surrounds everyone with its magic, its emerald landscapes, its people and their most sincere kindness. 

Here I have had the chance and privilege of realising a dream that has been chasing me for some time: to teach painting and to get others to enjoy it the way I do.  In May 2022, I started a new adventure by teaching my first oil painting workshop for beginners. From knowing how the paint works, the importance of drawing, discovering the fascinating world of colour, to see how charcoal and brushes become extensions of your hands and to have the satisfaction of having created, after hours of work, a work from where nothing existed before. 

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