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One of the most magical cities of the world

From October 2019 to February 2020 I had the huge opportunity of living and studying in Florence, Italy.

One of the most magical cities I have ever been to.

I received an Erasmus scholarship to study at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze for an entire academic course. However, Covid-19 had other plans for me.

Despite everything, I could enjoy authentic Italian life for 5 months.

And it was exciting. 

I had the privilege of learning from renowned Italian teachers, work with them, and make the most of this indredible academy. I had the possibility of visit everyday of my time here some of the most important museums in the world, with an absolutely incalculable cultural and artistic richeness. I visited many cities in Tuscany, I was captived by their culture, their way of life, their enviable landscapes and that characteristic and beautiful light.

It was impossible not to fall in love. 

My artistic background has grown incredibly since then. Even being far from that dreamed place, what this experience has left in me is priceless. A period of my life that leaves no room for words and that continues to make me grow: as person and artist.

And the truth is that Florence will live forever in me.

La Velata di Raffaello. Interpretación personal. Óleo s/ lienzo. 2020.
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