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From the beginning of humanity, women have been assigned a very clear and defined role in which their voice and their being have been silenced. Their achievements have been hidden by male names for centuries. In the artistic field, women have been painted, drawn, sculpted and represented on countless occasions, all of them with something in common:  they have always played the role of body and object, dominated, desired, always observed by the male gaze.

This project reconstructs the concept and the traditional vision to return those voices that were taken, to recover the real meaning of their bodies and their lives.

Now, the woman is the one that paints herself, the one who, from an intimate, reflecting and empowering perspective, paints and represents the female figure. It could seem similar to those women painted by male painters during the Art History: they are posing women with passive attitudes, plenty of solitude, void, fears, frustrations and absent gazes.

The difference is that it isn’t anymore a symbol of weakness, but an introspective research of herself.

In a world where the efforts and adversities multiply for women, this work tries to remind that all of us have the right to doubt, to be afraid, to feel lost, lonely or out of place.

Anything about it reduces our value or changes who we are. And we sometimes need someone to remind us.

At this point, the woman is not observed anymore. She is the one who observes now the world where she lives and develops, all the possibilities that there exist and everything she is capable to achieve with resilience, encouragement and love toward herself and what she does.

Just like a flower in the middle of a garden waiting for the spring.

When I don't feel myself, 2021. Oil on canvas. 89 x 119 cm.
What remains, 2021. Oil on wood. 50 x 50 cm.
The kitchen, 2020. Oil on canvas. 130 x 75 cm.
Insight, 2021. Oil on wood. 54 x 81 cm.
Mirage, 2021. Oil on wood. 41 x 60 cm.
An empty reflection, 2021. Oil on wood. 41 x 32 cm.
I feel I can't feel, 2021.Oil on wood. 130 x 81 cm.
Laura in the mirror, 2021. Oil on wood. 60 x 73 cm.
Carmen, 2020. Oil on paper. 25,5 x 27,5 cm
Confrontation, 2021. Oil on wood. 20,5 x 20,5 cm
Presents and futures, 2021. Oil on canvas. 73 x 92 cm
Leaving shadows, 2021. Oil on wood. 55 x 46 cm
Blooming in painting, 2021. Oil on wood. 20,5 x 20,5 cm
Crossed dreams, 2020. Oil on canvas. 70 x 60 cm
A painted garden, 2021. Oil on canvas. 116 x 138 cm
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